Crab Orchard CUSD #3
"Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard
"Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard
Willow is a joy to have in Pre-K! She loves to share and is kind to her classmates. Willow enjoys pretending in our housekeeping area!
- Pre-K
Kynslie is an excellent student, always willing and eager to learn. She is a positive role model for her classmates.
- Kindergarten
Masyn is a helpful student to her classmates and her teacher. She always wants to do her best work. She shows responsibility by turning in her homework every day. I enjoy having Masyn in class.
- 1st Grade
I have loved having Kinzey in my classroom this year. She is such a sweet and hardworking girl. I love that she is always smiling. Kinzey is the first one to offer me or one of her classmates a hand. The third grade teachers will be lucky to have her next year!
- 2nd Grade
McKinlee is a wonderful part of our classroom. She always brings her best effort and a smile to school with her every day! She is excited to help out wherever she can. I know that I can always count on her to be a responsible leader and a bright ray of positivity.
- 3rd Grade
Mattie has worked very hard this quarter to be more responsible and take ownership or her learning. I am so proud of her determination to improve and grow!
- 4th Grade
Ellie is such a joy to have in class. Her smile is infectious! Ellie is growing in her confidence of herself this year and it is a wonderful thing to see. She always tries her best and will ask if she does not understand something in class or why she got something wrong.
- 5th Grade
Aryal is hard working and always turns her work in on time. She is respectful to both me and her classmates. She is a joy to have in my class this semester.
- Jr High
Allie is the President of the Junior Class. She worked very hard on the fundraiser for the class, even taking work home with her. She is a hard worker and always completes any task with a positive attitude that I appreciate.
- High School
Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance