young girl with brown hair pulled up in pig tails with light green bows

Willow is a joy to have in Pre-K! She loves to share and is kind to her classmates. Willow enjoys pretending in our housekeeping area!

- Pre-K

smiling little girl with pink rollers in a white wig, pink-rimmed glasses, and a polka dot scarf tied over her head

Kynslie is an excellent student, always willing and eager to learn. She is a positive role model for her classmates.

- Kindergarten

orange trojan mascot head

Masyn is a helpful student to her classmates and her teacher. She always wants to do her best work. She shows responsibility by turning in her homework every day. I enjoy having Masyn in class.

- 1st Grade

orange trojan mascot head

I have loved having Kinzey in my classroom this year. She is such a sweet and hardworking girl. I love that she is always smiling. Kinzey is the first one to offer me or one of her classmates a hand. The third grade teachers will be lucky to have her next year!

- 2nd Grade

smiling young girl with blonde hair pulled back in a bun wearing a white cardigan buttoned up

McKinlee is a wonderful part of our classroom. She always brings her best effort and a smile to school with her every day! She is excited to help out wherever she can. I know that I can always count on her to be a responsible leader and a bright ray of positivity.

- 3rd Grade

young girl with light brown hair and a tie-dye shirt

Mattie has worked very hard this quarter to be more responsible and take ownership or her learning. I am so proud of her determination to improve and grow!

- 4th Grade

grinning girl with blonde hair blowing in the wind wearing a light purple shirt under a light purple cardigan

Ellie is such a joy to have in class. Her smile is infectious! Ellie is growing in her confidence of herself this year and it is a wonderful thing to see. She always tries her best and will ask if she does not understand something in class or why she got something wrong.

- 5th Grade

young lady with long brown hair wearing a maroon hooded sweatshirt

Aryal is hard working and always turns her work in on time. She is respectful to both me and her classmates. She is a joy to have in my class this semester.

- Jr High

young lady with long brown hair wearing a  black and white striped shirt

Allie is the President of the Junior Class. She worked very hard on the fundraiser for the class, even taking work home with her. She is a hard worker and always completes any task with a positive attitude that I appreciate.

- High School

smiling young lady with light brown hair pulled back wearing a black and orange trojan cheer shirt

Perfect Attendance

smiling young man with blonde hair wearing a KG navy blue t-shirt

Perfect Attendance

school nurse with blonde hair pulled back wearing a gray RN sweatshirt

Perfect Attendance